EntrepreneurNOW! Network partners with Moonpreneur Inc.
The entrepreneurNOW! Network, a leading entrepreneurship education management, community, and learning company has now partnered with Moonpreneur Inc.
Moonpreneur Inc., a Silicon Valley-based, educational-management startup specializing in entrepreneurial and innovation-centric programs for children, has announced its partnership with the entrepreneurNOW! Network.
Founded and headed by serial entrepreneur and renowned entrepreneurship coach Ken Burke, entrepreneurNOW! works with individual entrepreneurs and startups to provide mentorship and entrepreneurship lessons for adults. Designed with entrepreneurs in mind, ENN works to address their urgent and fundamental needs through its on-demand video content, informative blog posts, one-to-one coaching, a live call-in show, and weekly live programming.
The goal of this partnership is to offer entrepreneurship training to parents at Moonpreneur who in turn will be able to guide their kids better keeping their future in mind. Moonpreneur believes that parents are the first mentors for their children and training them would be fruitful in creating outstanding Moonpreneurs. The exclusive course for parents offered by entrepreneurNOW! will play a huge role in achieving this goal.
With this new partnership, entrepreneurNOW! will be bringing its entrepreneurship expertise and quality content as a vital resource for parents and children enrolled in Moonpreneur’s programs. Commenting on the partnership announcement, Moonpreneur’s founder and CEO, Alok Jain, said “I’m really excited about this partnership. ENN will be a crucial resource for us”
About Moonpreneur Inc.
Moonpreneur Inc. is a start-up that is remodeling the concept of empowering today’s builders and innovators and turning them into tomorrow’s educators and entrepreneurs. Our community strives to uncover and nurture the STEAM skills in children through our innovation and entrepreneurship-centric programs. Our community and platform are an overlay around the ideas, projects, and products straight out of the creative minds of children between 7-17 years, with some guidance from subject-matter experts where necessary. www.moonshotjr.com